The Magical Tap
Posted by Shruti in magic tap on Thursday, May 28, 2009
This Magical Tap appears to be floating in the sky while delivering an endless supply of water. It seems a Photoshopped picture but it's not.
It is real, just a clever idea that makes possible this optical illusion.If you think for a second, you will easily come to a conclusion how this modern installment could be possible.
Actually there is a hidden pipe inside the stream of water that functions both as a support for the whole structure and to supply the water.
The construction is fascinating and is easy to make,if the pipe is made of transparent Perspex that you would never see it inside the water stream..
Obama "Look-alike"
Posted by Shruti in Obama Look-Alike on Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Ilham Anas said,
“At first my nose and eyes made me self-conscious, but now I think they are God's blessing,".
"My colleagues played a practical joke on me -- they made me wear a suit, a tie, and took pictures of me posing as Obama
“The pictures spread very quickly on the Internet, It was phenomenal. Then TV stations and an advertising agency got in touch with me."
"I was in the airport in Malaysia in transit and a man approached me and asked: 'Are you Obama?'. I was very surprised when he asked to take a picture together and bought me a meal,"

Many Indonesians have a keen interest in Obama, who lived in Jakarta for four years after his American mother, Ann Dunham, married Muslim Indonesian Lolo Soetoro following the end of her marriage to Obama's Kenyan father.
Anas, who was born and raised in Bandung, West Java, said he feels lucky to resemble Obama.
Check out BLACKLE
Posted by Shruti in Blackle Search engine
As internet searching becomes a bigger part of more people's lives and considering the amount of traffic google receives, the amount of energy used in displaying its searching results is too high. According to the research results from Blackle's website by default a black screen color as an alternative to predominantly white background and Blackle claims to help the world save 750 Megawatt-hours a year
The Heap Media subsidiary (but powered by google custom searching) is trying to save energy from the world most popular searching engine—google by turning the screen background from white to black.
The homepage is a black screen, with a Blackle logo and a field to enter your search query underneath. The more recent features available on Google, such as Google image search, or Google maps are not available.
But the Controversy is , Blackle itself is not a searching engine, so all it does is display a page with a search box. The search is submitted to the Google server hardware to crunch. Results are returned to Blackle where it is packaged into a black page and displayed. So there is a point that the server Blackle uses to convert the page into black back and white fonts will cost energy.
Well I read that On LCD displays, color may confer no benefit at all. And the color on screen mattered very little to the energy color consumption of the LCD monitor but The bulkier CRT screen did see savings with Blackle of between 5% and 20%.
Even if the energy savings are small, they are representative of the need for each of us to start taking small steps to save energy.
Heart of Hearts
Posted by Shruti in Follow Ur Heart on Friday, May 22, 2009
The heart is often referred to as a second self.
When we think of the Heart we think of Love. Initially we equate Love to feelings of passion, a feel of belonging, a sense of feeling purpose and importance to other people.
Most of the times we found mismatch in understanding by our heart and mind. We see it happening but still we don’t want to believe it. I think this is a common thing that happens with all. It is just like the storm hiding the sky from our sight.
Here I remember, one of my best friends about whom my both sights were totally different. He was rude, harsh, and strict whenever I see from my mind. But when I saw from my inner deep feelings I found him my life’s best teacher, I learnt a lot about the world’s realities. When I believed my heart he was quite peacefull, helpful and kind person.And was glad that I have friend like him.

There is no set path just follow your heart. At times following your heart may seem reckless and may result in some embarrassing or uncomfortable situations. However, following heart is not about being comfortable and not about getting approval. It's about achieving all your dreams and fantasies. It's about finding and living in your life's passion. It's about truly feeling alive.
The workings of the human heart are the profoundest mystery of the universe!
Posted by Shruti in The Kung Fu Panda. on Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Kung Fu Panda The 2008 American animated comedy blockbuster.
The most visually striking of DreamWorks Animation's release.
Directed by John Stevenson and Mark Osborne and produced by Melissa Cobb and star Jack Black as
Kung Fu Panda follows the adventures of a portly panda named

An out of shape
When the opportunity arises to meet his heroes the Furious Five, he attempts to skip his familial duties and attends the naming of the Dragon Warrior. There
However, when word reaches the Five that Tai Lung, who was once a good guy but turned to the dark side, has escaped from prison,
The film is excellently animated throughout, particularly during the opening fantasy sequence
There are also some stunning action set pieces, most notably Tai Lung's breathtaking escape from jail and
Wildly choreographed fight scenes, aerial kicks and punches and flips and spins and blocks, all of it sprung free from gravity.It was a brilliant Cartoon with stunning artwork and very cool kung-fu.
And the voice work is also superb: Hoffman and Black make a terrific comic team, sparking off each other nicely and delivering some hilarious gags. Meanwhile, Jolie and Rogen add colour as Tigress and Mantis, whilst McShane is perfectly cast as the evil Tai Lung.
The Furious Five:
From left to right: Masters Viper, Monkey, Mantis (on Monkey's head), Master Shifu, Tigress, and Crane.
Shifu (voice of DUSTIN HOFFMAN). Tigress (voice of ANGELINA JOLIE), Monkey (voice of JACKIE CHAN), Mantis (voice of SETH ROGEN), Viper (voice of LUCY LIU) and Crane (voice of DAVID CROSS),
No martial-arts movie is complete without a fair dose of philosophizing.
From Oogway we learn that "There are no accidents" and "One often meets his destiny on the road to avoid it" and "Today is a gift, that is why it is called the present".
"Kung Fu Panda" is a good-looking fun ride, yet it's missing something.
Cable network Nickelodeon has announced,TheKung Fu Panda,is to be turned into a cartoon TV series.
"Kung Fu Panda" relies on the delightful appearance of its characters, the sounds of its voice cast, and the brilliance of its CGI animation, to help it succeed
On the whole The film attempts some harmless jokes from time to time,
Enjoyable, brightly coloured and well animated, funny, exciting entertaining adventure that will appeal to both kids and adults
It’s a great flick for the whole family.
Kung Fu Panda 2 has official begun production and is slated for release on June 3rd, 2011.
I think it would be great if they come up with “Kung Fu Penguin" as well.
Howz that?
Keypad Of Emoticons
Posted by Shruti in Emotional Communication on Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Italian manufacturer Bajca offers new emoticon exchange tool produced by Progind, designed by Adriano design studio with software and hardware developed by Ribes Informatica. Bajca is a “smile” keypad that allows to express yourself through emoticons. or as it's formally known, "Bajca: The Emotional Communication."
This is basically a keyboard that plugs into your USB slot and can be used to type emoticons. Bajca is a future concept made by Adriano to gives us more lively expression when chatting with our best pals through the web. I mean why waste time typing out carats, colons, dashes, and parentheses when one button from the emo keyboard can do it all for you?
All the little balls there can serve as buttons for automatically inserting our favorite little yellow, white ,black headed friends into our instant messages
it’s a mini keyboard usb that have 16 emoticon and communicate with software as msn, facebook, skype, it a shortcut for emoticon, it is programmable with any emoticon you have, you can change any button with another one.
The weirdest thing about the Bajca is that the balls on the keyboard are completely removable. They even have tiny holes in them like pearls so the user can make them into a necklace; put them on a bracelet, or some other kind of jewelry. Ha Ha
From the pics, it looks like you'll be able to wear the little guys around your neck, wrist, or finger.
Looking at them I see a language emerging. Imagine emails consisting solely of emoticons some thing like this.. yeah its funny ! :-) L ;-* ;-*^ :) :P (looks some thing like encrypted military message)
Emily Is Not Real !
Posted by Shruti in 'Emily' Is Not Real

What you see above is a wholly computer generated animation.
She is considered to be one of the first animations to have overleapt a long-standing barrier known as ‘uncanny valley’ - which refers to the perception that animation looks less realistic as it approaches human likeness.

First, Image Metrics scanned actor Emily O’Brien to develop a custom template for her computer generated model. Then, eight animation artists built a custom rigging for her character in software. They captured O’Brien’s performance with video, motion tracked her facial movements, and then applied those tracked movements to the computer model. Because this process is more efficient than traditional methods
Previous methods for animating faces have involved putting dots on a face and observing the way the dots move, but Image Metrics analyses facial movements at the level of individual pixels in a video, meaning that the subtlest variations - such as the way the skin creases around the eyes, can be tracked.

AMD has released a new chip with a billion transistors that will be able to show off creations such as Emily by allowing a much greater number of computations per second.
Image Metrics, a company that makes computer-generated imagery for Hollywood films and computer games has created new levels of believability in facial animation by making ‘Emily’ the most realistic computer generated character so far.
Minute Of Happiness
Posted by Shruti in Happiness on Friday, May 15, 2009
Am I truly happy? Do I even know what it means to be happy and what it takes to achieve happiness? These are important questions for anyone who is seeking happiness to ask themselves.
Happiness is the measure of true wealth
Happiness you give makes you happier than the happiness you receive.
The truth of the matter is that happiness, like anything else in life, needs to be nurtured.
Need to make a plan for attaining goals that you believe will make you happy
Ned to spend a few minutes each day thinking about the things that make you happy
Need to surround yourself with happy people.
Need to realize what really makes us happy, and challenge us to think whether it might be possible to live happier lives.
It’s also important to take some time each day to do something nice for yourself.
Finding the humor in situations can also lead to happiness
Maintaining your health is another way to achieve happiness
Last but not the least it is important to understand and believe that you deserve happiness.
Happiness is hard to define but most people are aware of whether they are happy or not.
Secret Of The Famous Zoo Zoos
Posted by Shruti in The ZooZoos on Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Zoo Zoos are characters featured in the Vodafone ads showing the various services provided by Vodafone.
O&M created a new set of characters and called them 'ZooZoos'.Vodafone is zooming ahead with the Zoozoos.They created a warm and lovable way to tell the product stories & services. The world of Zoo Zoo is making the messages more charming. .The characters are such that they lead simple lives, speak insane and move in a certain way with human emotions.
On a first look most of us would have thought these Zoo Zoos in Vodafone Ads are the animated cartoon characters with an alien look. But the interesting part is that the Zoo zoos are not animated characters but are actually slim women actors from local Mumbai theatres, dressed in white costumes that are stuffed with foam to portray the characters.The design of the characters is such that one gets fooled into thinking it is animation. Their heads resemble eggs with disproportionate thin white bodies and black dots for eyes and mouth.
Zoo zoo is the Best thing ever happened to Vodafone. A very delightful and entertaining concept not only for kids but also for adults with a Excellent imagination and mind blowing execution.. The background music, body language and the message conveyed was just awesome.One thing to be proud of is that it’s completely an Indian concept. Zoo Zoos fame is spreading like Swine. It’s also working as a good entertainment in the present IPL matches.
Zoo zoos are the amazing characters created by the Vodafone! It’s been a hot favorite among everyone now. I wish the creators come up with a small movie on these characters. I m sure it will be equally popular among kids n adults like Tom N Jerry and other popular cartoons..
Zoo Zoo videos make me laugh like crazy. I wish I could be a Zoo Zoo once in life ;)
Zoo zoos are zooing zimply zooperb .