Check out BLACKLE is one of the many black search engines that are powered by Google
As internet searching becomes a bigger part of more people's lives and considering the amount of traffic google receives, the amount of energy used in displaying its searching results is too high. According to the research results from Blackle's website by default a black screen color as an alternative to predominantly white background and Blackle claims to help the world save 750 Megawatt-hours a year

The Heap Media subsidiary (but powered by google custom searching) is trying to save energy from the world most popular searching engine—google by turning the screen background from white to black.
The homepage is a black screen, with a Blackle logo and a field to enter your search query underneath. The more recent features available on Google, such as Google image search, or Google maps are not available.

But the Controversy is , Blackle itself is not a searching engine, so all it does is display a page with a search box. The search is submitted to the Google server hardware to crunch. Results are returned to Blackle where it is packaged into a black page and displayed. So there is a point that the server Blackle uses to convert the page into black back and white fonts will cost energy.

Well I read that On LCD displays, color may confer no benefit at all. And the color on screen mattered very little to the energy color consumption of the LCD monitor but The bulkier CRT screen did see savings with Blackle of between 5% and 20%.
Even if the energy savings are small, they are representative of the need for each of us to start taking small steps to save energy.