When You Smile :)
Posted by Shruti in Your Smile on Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Smiles are beautiful, attractive, comforting, inviting, fulfilling, appreciative, compassionate, and energizing. All these things are hidden in just one word SMILE.
50% of our communication is non-verbal, eyes and smile are the most powerful tool of communication.
Smile gets a kind of pleasure to the one who smiles and the one who witnesses.
When you see some one smiling you get a smile on your face without your knowledge.
If someone is smiling over the phone you can hear it in their voice. There will be a energetic shift in the atmosphere when some one smiles.
One smile is as good as saying You Are Forgiven. One smile is as good as saying Thanku. Smile expresses the feeling of happiness in us.
One smile can affect everyone in the room.
Now let us try an exercise with our smile: Move your lips to expose your teeth while keeping your mouth closed. Now use your cheek muscles to pull the corners of your lips outward, and so on. Wow what a SMILE.
Many emotions are conveyed with a smile. Your facial nerves, your feelings, and your emotions are all interconnected
If you can just recall those times when u have met a stranger and smiled simultaneously.
I’m sure the hardest part is being the first one to smile.
Speaking about myself, my co-workers smile at me almost every time we cross paths. At times there is nothing to speak just a unconditional smile.
And when I don smile they enquire if something went wrong, If I was bothered.
Well when I m in a sour mood I do have a reason to be.
When there is a request to smile from someone that will have an automatic effect in our attitude and we tend to smile.
Let’s enjoy the power of our smile. Have you smiled yet today?
Whoz smile you like the most?
This entry was posted on Wednesday, July 15, 2009 at 1:31 AM and is filed under Your Smile. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response.
# by bob - July 19, 2009 at 10:22 PM
keep smiling. it completes you
# by Shruti - July 21, 2009 at 4:39 AM
wow! Thank u Bob.
keep smiling too :)
# by Anonymous - December 10, 2009 at 11:54 PM
Have always a great smile on your face
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