Positive Quotations.
Posted by Shruti in Positive quotations, quotes. on Tuesday, December 1, 2009
1)There can be no happiness if the things we believe in are different from the things we do. (Freya Stark)
2) Happiness cannot come from without. It must come from within. It is not what we see and touch or that that which others do for us which makes us happy; it is that which we think and feel and do, first for the other fellow and then for ourselves. (Helen Keller)
3)Happiness is like a kiss. You must share it to enjoy it. (Bernard Meltzer)
4) Remember, happiness doesn't depend on who you are or what you have; it depends solely on what you think. (Dale Carnegie)
5) Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to a better understanding of ourselves. (Carl Jung)
6) No one can make you feel inferior without your consent. (Eleanor Roosevelt)
7) The question is not what you look at, but what you see. (Henry David Thoreau)
8) What you think, you create. What you feel, you attract. What you imagine, you become. (Adele Basheer)
9) Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you'll start seeing positive results. (William Nelson)
10) You can destroy your now by worrying about your tomorrow. (Janis Joplin)
11) There is only one person that can make you happy and that person is you. (David Burns)
12) Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing you will be successful. (Albert Schweitzer)
13) Most people ask for happiness on condition. Happiness can only be felt if you don't set any condition. (Arthur Rubinstein)
14) Happy people are grateful. Ungrateful people cannot be happy. We tend to think that being unhappy leads people to complain, but it is complaining that leads people to becoming unhappy. (Dennis Prager)
15) When I was in grade school, they told me to write down what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down "happy." They told me I didn't understand the assignment; I told them they didn't understand life. (Unknown)
16) Being happy doesn't mean you're perfect. It just means you've decided to look beyond the imperfections. (K.B. Indiana)
17)Everything matters. Nothing's important. (Frederick Nietzsche)
18)Life is now. There was never a time when your life was not now, nor will there ever be. (Echkart Tolle)
Are You Lazy ?
Posted by Shruti in Are you lazy, Laziness on Thursday, August 27, 2009
Laziness, The tendency to rest, to do nothing. Basically it results from a dislike of anything that we are supposed to do. It is a very relaxing and easy activity.
When do we feel Lazy?
Is it when we are discouraged bcoz all that we tried has failed and we don’t need to bother anymore?
Is it when we are really tired or depressed?
Is it, when we are frustrated that we are still left with plenty of things to do? Or
Is it, that we are scared to be a Loser?
Being Lazy is a good excuse to avoid things that we ‘should’ be doing.
This is the time to do the best that we need to do at this period of our life.
Every one loves to ‘be free’. But is it the right time?
Sometimes we spend most of the day sleeping just bcoz we are lazy to wake up. Or otherwise sitting at home whole day and watching TV .We just postpone or ignore dealing with ourselves. And towards the end of the day if we look back we can find how we wasted the entire day and accomplished nothing.
Yes, Sleeping is a great luxury, when there is no guilt.
It’s nice to be lazy when there is no much of responsibility or nothing much to be done.
To take time off and make a choice about what to do with our time. It seems good to be lazy one in a while, from our busy lives and go on a vacation, relax, enjoy and come back so refreshed.
Recently one of my friends put up his status message as “The Buck Stops Here” Which means “Responsibility is not passed-on beyond this point”
Isn’t impressive? He sets a good example to be responsible and focussed in life.
Laziness is just a waste of Time & Talent. We need to realize that by being lazy always, we are missing out so much what the world offers. Let’s spread the beauty of living life being active and set a positive influence to others.
Power Of Giving Thanks
Posted by Shruti in Power of giving Thanks on Tuesday, July 28, 2009
In my opinion ‘Thank You’ and ‘Sorry’ are the two most beautiful words in this world to express our Gratitude and Guilty.
Thank You seems like a simple word but you can’t imagine how much it can matter. It is not just a word to say when we are the recipient of some material gift. It is something that we should feel from our heart.
It’s about what we experience when we say Thanks and receive Thanks.
When we say Thanks to the person from whom we had a great help, the thanks makes u feel happy as well as the person who is receiving it.
When people thank us, we’ll definitely have the contentment that, some one is happy today because of me. Some one is smiling because of me.
Most of us believe that, we don’t need to say Thanks to our parents or friends. The common thing what we hear always, “There is no room for thank you and sorry in Friendship”
I don’t agree with this. I believe when we show gratitude by telling Thanks, no matter to your parents or friends, we are encouraging them and making them feel happy & proud.
Sorry is the word through which we can beg pardon, and express our guilt. And it is always good to realize our mistake and be sorry for it.
When we are sorry there are more chances of being forgiven and patch up the relationship. It is never too late to say I m sorry.
I realize that some people do not say ‘Thank you’ ‘Sorry’ ‘Please’ .It’s is not that they do not appreciate it but simply do not think it is necessary
Some times people go to cash counters or booking counters, get their work done and just walk away. Why?
Why can’t they say Thank you? Why cant they ask them, How are you doing today?
It costs nothing to be respectful or to say a genuine Thank you.
I always Thank people who comments on my blog. It is a fashioned courtesy more than a genuine gratitude or appreciation. But I feel so good when I see their Comments. How else to show my Happiness.
We should always have fun while we express Thanks. Saying Thank you and being polite might be so simple, but they do have a huge impact on others and on the world.
End of pop star - Michael Jackson
Posted by Shruti in Michael Jackson on Tuesday, July 21, 2009
The World is poorer today, feels like we lost a familiar.
The pop world wouldn’t be the same if he was not brought in to it.
In past few weeks, his childhood story has gained a revival of interest
People are more interested to know about the man behind the cosmetic mask.
I would like to share the lyrics of his song ‘Childhood’
Before you judge me, try hard to love me,
Look within your heart then ask,
Have you seen my Childhood?
People say I’m strange that way
‘Cause I love such elementary things,
It’s been my fate to compensate,
For the Childhood I’ve never known…
This is so touching.
He suffered a lot in this life. I wish he is safe in the next world
We all will miss him, he will live in our hearts for ever.
May his soul Rest in peace.
Fear Is The Mind Killer
Posted by Shruti in Fear Is The Mind Killer on Friday, July 17, 2009
The one emotion that we all are struggling to live with is Fear.
Fear invites us in different ways. Fear is the major reason for all our negative feelings, thoughts, actions so on.
We turn on the TV and sometimes watch some crime stories and some terror news. What do we experience in us is nothing but Fear. Terrorism is just based on promoting fear all over. More than the awareness of terrorism what prevails everywhere is Fear.
Fear is the emotion that stops us from doing many things. We can’t even put our effort to try whether it is possible to meet our goals and objectives. It’s the force that pulls us back from anything and everything.
One more face of fear makes us feel that we are all alone in the world .We all have the Fear of Loosing things. We never want to loose or harm the things we love the most. This fear I guess each one of us possess. Some times we do wrong things out of fear of loosing something that is very close to our heart. This fear has several impacts on us.
One main emotion that is rooted in Fear is ANGER. There are many other emotions like jealousy, hatred, envy, arrogance which are also rooted in Fear.
In today’s world most of us are so self absorbed that we don’t bother nor care for the people around. We are always focused on making our life better by increasing the digits in our salary, shifting on to new houses, buying the best car, solving problems with family with friends and many more. May be that’s the reason we feel justified to be stuck in our misery and shower it on other people in the form of anger.
When I am in some great pain and misery, most of the time I am rude to some people.
I am not proud of it but I am in so much pain. Here rudeness may be something like a cry for help. But there is no use out of it, coz in turn it gives us more pain and more misery.
The sad part is, the ruder I was the more pain I received.
I think this rudeness is just the change that happens in our minds due to fear and we are not aware of what exactly we are doing. What we should do or what we should have done.
All emotions are so interconnected fear, anger, rudeness, arrogance. They make us handicapped.Fear is at the root of it all.
Is our fear justified, or not?
When You Smile :)
Posted by Shruti in Your Smile on Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Smiles are beautiful, attractive, comforting, inviting, fulfilling, appreciative, compassionate, and energizing. All these things are hidden in just one word SMILE.
50% of our communication is non-verbal, eyes and smile are the most powerful tool of communication.
Smile gets a kind of pleasure to the one who smiles and the one who witnesses.
When you see some one smiling you get a smile on your face without your knowledge.
If someone is smiling over the phone you can hear it in their voice. There will be a energetic shift in the atmosphere when some one smiles.
One smile is as good as saying You Are Forgiven. One smile is as good as saying Thanku. Smile expresses the feeling of happiness in us.
One smile can affect everyone in the room.
Now let us try an exercise with our smile: Move your lips to expose your teeth while keeping your mouth closed. Now use your cheek muscles to pull the corners of your lips outward, and so on. Wow what a SMILE.
Many emotions are conveyed with a smile. Your facial nerves, your feelings, and your emotions are all interconnected
If you can just recall those times when u have met a stranger and smiled simultaneously.
I’m sure the hardest part is being the first one to smile.
Speaking about myself, my co-workers smile at me almost every time we cross paths. At times there is nothing to speak just a unconditional smile.
And when I don smile they enquire if something went wrong, If I was bothered.
Well when I m in a sour mood I do have a reason to be.
When there is a request to smile from someone that will have an automatic effect in our attitude and we tend to smile.
Let’s enjoy the power of our smile. Have you smiled yet today?
Whoz smile you like the most?
Shades Of Angels
Posted by Shruti in Shades Of Angels on Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Do u believe in angels? Do they really exist?
Many people do believe that angels are all around us. Not every one convinced with this.
But the whole concept of existence of angels is really beautiful though we believe it or not. There are so many people who have experienced some unusual things and they say it is the presence of an angel.
There is another belief that when there is sudden blow of joy or peace that comes to us in the middle of grief. That is, the sudden feeling of ‘Everything is going to be OK’ we get when we will be thinking it’s the end of world, is the presence of angels.
They believe that the angels embrace us in their wings and protect us from the dangers that we don’t see.
There is no miracle happened in my life. Nor I have anytime experienced any feeling of angel’s presence. But I wish I cud some time.
Well the stories of angels make us believe in the possibility of their existence.
These angel stories are same as the genie tales and stories. I m very fascinated about these. In my childhood I always wished to have a genie as my friend who would grant me 3 wishes and always help me in my exams. I believe many of us would have longed for this.
I wish to hear from my readers. Do you believe in angels? Do share your Angel encounter stories if any. Or what would be your 3 wishes.
Acceptance Of Uniqueness In Others
Posted by Shruti in difference, Uniqueness on Sunday, July 12, 2009
It is always difficult for people to accept others who are different. By different I mean
difference in Religion, Color, Intelligence, Politics, Sexual preferences.
Or differences may be small like differences in food habits, taste in music, colors, dressing sense, opinions.
But I think we can never grow if we are so bound to the only one who same like us.
Yes off course it is a really great to be with the one who mirrored us. We will definitely enjoy the similarities, the coincidences happening among us.
What if all food tasted the same, all drinks coated our tongue with the same flavor, all
perfumes released the same aroma, and all houses were just same as each other? How
boring life would be! There would be less inspiration and less creative expressions.
We all know that there is no body else like us in this world. No body can know us better
than we know ourselves- yet some people hardy know themselves!
We always advocate for ourselves with self-love and understanding, recognize what we
offer, accept ourselves and appreciate our talents. But why don we respect the same in others?
We do commit mistakes and forgive ourselves N times. But why don’t we forgive others?
I think we should always accept people the way they are and don’t expect them to behave the way we like.
Initially, we appreciate their uniqueness. But over time, however we begin to notice little things about the new person, and we feel we could improve them and we try to change them. Instead it’s always better to get these things into their attention. And some times instead of trying to fix them; the more peaceful way is to love them for their differences.
This gives life variety and off course diversity.
I think we should always keep our mind open to learn and to accept what is new and different. We should realize what we lack and I’m sure others who differ from us can teach us.
Truly, we should love ourselves more and do all that builds our self-esteem. Then we will automatically tend to pass that love and esteems on others.
By Accepting the Uniqueness in Others we will also appreciate what is unique in us.
We should celebrate the differences we all have and Live each day with peace and acceptance.
Shortcut Keys Used For Windows
Shortcut keys help to provide an easier and usually quicker method of navigating and using computer software programs.
When using Windows software you may be aware that if you press certain key combinations simple tasks can be performed with out the need to use the mouse,
These are called Keyboard short cuts. Here is a list of the most common ones in use for Windows.
Windows Key-- -- Opens [Start Menu]
Windows Key + E-- -- Opens [My Computer]
Windows Key + D -- -- Show desktop (Not NT)
Windows Key + D -- -- Restores all open Windows
Windows Key + F -- -- Opens [Search], [Find]
Windows Key + L -- -- Lock computer (XP Only)
Windows Key + M -- -- Minimize all Windows
Windows Key + Shift + M -- -- Restore all Windows
Windows Key + Pause/Break-- -- Opens [System Properties]
Windows Key + R ---- Opens [Run] command
Windows Key + U -- -- Opens Utility Manager (XP ONLY)
F1 -- --Help
F2 -- --Rename
F3 -- --Opens [Search]
F5 -- --Refreshes page / View
F11 -- --Maximizes Window
Alt + F4 -- -- Closes the active window or program
Alt + Enter -- -- Displays properties for selected item
Alt + tab -- -- Switch between open items
Alt + Escape -- -- Switch between open items (in the order opened)
Ctrl + A -- -- Select all
Ctrl + C -- -- Copies selected text or image to clipboard
Ctrl + Escape -- -- Opens [Start] menu
Ctrl + V -- -- Pastes clipboard
Ctrl + X -- -- Cuts selected text or image to clipboard
Ctrl+Z -- -- Undo
Ctrl + F5 -- -- Refreshes page, downloads latest page from server
Ctrl + Alt + Del -- -- Opens task manager
Tab -- -- Move forward through options
Shift + Tab -- --Move backwards through options
Shift+Delete -- -- Delete item permanently
Shift+F10 -- -- Opens a shortcut menu for the selected item (this is the same as right-clicking an object
Spacebar -- -- Tick / Untick active box
Ctrl + Tab -- -- Move forwards through menu tabs
Ctrl + Shift +Tab -- -- Move backwards through menu tabs
CTRL+SHIFT+ESC -- -- Opens Windows Task Manager
Context Key -- -- Equivalent to right click
Enter -- -- Executes the selected icon
Up / Down Arrows -- -- Moves up and down in menu's
Space bar -- -- Scrolls page down
Page Up -- -- Scrolls page up
Page Down -- -- Scrolls page down
12 MP Camera Phone
Posted by Shruti in 12 MP camera Phone, Samsung, Sony Ericson on Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Samsung Pixon12 M8910, the company's first 12 megapixel camera phone with a full touch screen is the hottest new touch phone in the market
Samsung Pixon12 camera phone provides the best photo quality by adopting innovative camera features. With Samsung Share Pix, the Samsung Pixon 12 lets users easily upload images and videos to popular social networking sites such as Facebook, Picasa, Flickr, MySpace.
It has the ability to record videos at 30 frames per seconds (720 x 480 pixels) which is almost as good as any decent handy cam. Other than that it features an integrated Wi-Fi, Bluetooth connectivity, a built-in GPS module and an FM radio help to fill out the Pixon12's impressive spec sheet.
Sony Ericsson Idou camera-phones have the high resolution, 12 megapixel camera to the fascinating exteriors, from smartphone characteristics to camera phone features.
Idou is just a codename. The word Idou in Japanese means "a change". Sony itself is a Japanese company, therefore it is obvious for the codename to be based on the Japanese word.
The Sony Ericsson Satio (Idou) is a fashionable 3G handset. The touch screen is 3.5" in size which has simple touch activated controls and displays up to 16 million colours. There is an amazing 12.1 megapixel camera which has a wide range of imaging features.
The 12 mega pixel autofocus camera with its incredible 4256 x 2832 resolution, face and smile detection, xenon flash, geo-tagging and video LED flash, is just one of the many key features of the Sony Ericsson Idou. Amongst the extensive list of features for the Sony Idou are listed a secondary VGA video call camera, 3.5 inch TFT touch sensitive screen with built-in accelerometer sensor for auto-rotation when viewing images and web pages, A-GPS, Google Maps, WiFi with DLNA technology and full multimedia player.
Oxite Blogging Engine
Posted by Shruti in Microsoft Oxite software on Saturday, June 13, 2009
Oxite is the Blogging engine launched by Microsoft.It is a open-source content management platform that developers can use to build sophisticated blogs or large Web sites. Microsoft’s Codeplex team has developed this open source blogging engine. The software is authorized to use the Microsoft Public License way to a fully open source code.
Oxite includes a number of important blog functions that can be complex to implement, according to Microsoft. The framework offers many features common in blogs, including Gravatars, pingbacks, trackbacks, RSS feeds, commenting, MetaWebLog API and an arbitrary page can be output for users to subscribe to RSS. Users can create and edit a series of pages, and can add their own HTML code.
Oxite is a fully-fledged content management service, able to handle not only a blog, but multiple blogs on a single website, as well as large web properties in need of CMS capabilities.
The code consists of around a hundred C# classes, plus some SQL Server tables, DBML and SQL files, and other artifacts. None of the source files contains any copyrights, the code is provided under MPL (Microsoft's Public License)
Google Founder’s mentor – Rajeev Motwani
Posted by Shruti in Rajeev Motwani on Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Rajeev Motwani died on June 5, 2009.
Google Advisor and Silicon Valley Luminary Rajeev Motwani was a professor of computer science at Stanford University, where he also served as the director of graduate studies. Mr Motwani who was born in Jammu, India, graduated in computer science from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kanpur in 1983, before doing his PhD from the University of California, Berkeley in 1988.
Motwani was known worldwide for his mentoring and advising founders of the companies like Google and PayPal.He was known to be the master brain behind several of the key advancement in the world of internet.
As a former technical advisor to Google and a mentor to the founders in their student days at Stanford, where the search engine took shape, Motwani owns an undisclosed amount of stock in Google.
The 47-year-old Motwani's body was found in the backyard swimming pool of his Palo Alto home in California on Friday.
It is a great loss to the google search team. can’t believe how swimming could cause the death of such an intelligent life.
Google founder Sergey Brin wrote on his blog: “Yet his legacy and personality lives on in the students, projects, and companies he has touched. Today, whenever you use a piece of technology, there is a good chance a little bit of Rajeev Motwani is behind it”.
Mr.Vinod Dham, one of the best known investors in the Silicon Valley said “ Mr Motwani’s biggest contribution to the valley was perhaps the coaching he offered to Google. “His contribution towards development of search algorithms was very, very significant,”
I wish the prayers from his countless fans and friends give his family the strength to overcome this loss.
May his soul rest in peace
You Rock ! You Rule !
Posted by Shruti in Rock And Rule
The Roman Emperor - NERO
Posted by Shruti in The Nero on Sunday, June 7, 2009
In 64 AD, while Nero was Emperor, a fire broke out in Rome. As historians wrote,During the night of July 18, 64 AD, fire broke out in the merchant area of the city of Rome. The flames quickly spread through the dry, wooden structures of the Imperial City. Soon the fire took on a life of its own consuming all in its path for six days and seven nights. When the conflagration finally ran its course it left seventy percent of the city in smoldering ruins.
The man so often blamed for the great fire was Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus, commonly known simply as Nero. He ruled Rome from 54 -68 CE
What followed the burning of Rome would be one of the darkest chapters of Roman history, ending the line of conquering Caesars and beginning the road to Rome’s fall as a world power.
After the fire, Nero ransacked his own provinces to finance the reconstruction of Rome. He used a vast area between the Palatine and the Equiline hills, which had been utterly destroyed by the fire to build his 'Golden Palace'.
While the fire destroyed the city of Rome, the emperor Nero played his violin, revealing his total lack of concern for his people and his empire.
It is said that the Worlds best CD burning Software NERO derives its name from the Roman emperor Nero who was playing the violin when the whole rome was burning..
The Magical Tap
Posted by Shruti in magic tap on Thursday, May 28, 2009
This Magical Tap appears to be floating in the sky while delivering an endless supply of water. It seems a Photoshopped picture but it's not.
It is real, just a clever idea that makes possible this optical illusion.If you think for a second, you will easily come to a conclusion how this modern installment could be possible.
Actually there is a hidden pipe inside the stream of water that functions both as a support for the whole structure and to supply the water.
The construction is fascinating and is easy to make,if the pipe is made of transparent Perspex that you would never see it inside the water stream..
Obama "Look-alike"
Posted by Shruti in Obama Look-Alike on Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Ilham Anas said,
“At first my nose and eyes made me self-conscious, but now I think they are God's blessing,".
"My colleagues played a practical joke on me -- they made me wear a suit, a tie, and took pictures of me posing as Obama
“The pictures spread very quickly on the Internet, It was phenomenal. Then TV stations and an advertising agency got in touch with me."
"I was in the airport in Malaysia in transit and a man approached me and asked: 'Are you Obama?'. I was very surprised when he asked to take a picture together and bought me a meal,"

Many Indonesians have a keen interest in Obama, who lived in Jakarta for four years after his American mother, Ann Dunham, married Muslim Indonesian Lolo Soetoro following the end of her marriage to Obama's Kenyan father.
Anas, who was born and raised in Bandung, West Java, said he feels lucky to resemble Obama.
Check out BLACKLE
Posted by Shruti in Blackle Search engine
As internet searching becomes a bigger part of more people's lives and considering the amount of traffic google receives, the amount of energy used in displaying its searching results is too high. According to the research results from Blackle's website by default a black screen color as an alternative to predominantly white background and Blackle claims to help the world save 750 Megawatt-hours a year
The Heap Media subsidiary (but powered by google custom searching) is trying to save energy from the world most popular searching engine—google by turning the screen background from white to black.
The homepage is a black screen, with a Blackle logo and a field to enter your search query underneath. The more recent features available on Google, such as Google image search, or Google maps are not available.
But the Controversy is , Blackle itself is not a searching engine, so all it does is display a page with a search box. The search is submitted to the Google server hardware to crunch. Results are returned to Blackle where it is packaged into a black page and displayed. So there is a point that the server Blackle uses to convert the page into black back and white fonts will cost energy.
Well I read that On LCD displays, color may confer no benefit at all. And the color on screen mattered very little to the energy color consumption of the LCD monitor but The bulkier CRT screen did see savings with Blackle of between 5% and 20%.
Even if the energy savings are small, they are representative of the need for each of us to start taking small steps to save energy.
Heart of Hearts
Posted by Shruti in Follow Ur Heart on Friday, May 22, 2009
The heart is often referred to as a second self.
When we think of the Heart we think of Love. Initially we equate Love to feelings of passion, a feel of belonging, a sense of feeling purpose and importance to other people.
Most of the times we found mismatch in understanding by our heart and mind. We see it happening but still we don’t want to believe it. I think this is a common thing that happens with all. It is just like the storm hiding the sky from our sight.
Here I remember, one of my best friends about whom my both sights were totally different. He was rude, harsh, and strict whenever I see from my mind. But when I saw from my inner deep feelings I found him my life’s best teacher, I learnt a lot about the world’s realities. When I believed my heart he was quite peacefull, helpful and kind person.And was glad that I have friend like him.

There is no set path just follow your heart. At times following your heart may seem reckless and may result in some embarrassing or uncomfortable situations. However, following heart is not about being comfortable and not about getting approval. It's about achieving all your dreams and fantasies. It's about finding and living in your life's passion. It's about truly feeling alive.
The workings of the human heart are the profoundest mystery of the universe!
Posted by Shruti in The Kung Fu Panda. on Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Kung Fu Panda The 2008 American animated comedy blockbuster.
The most visually striking of DreamWorks Animation's release.
Directed by John Stevenson and Mark Osborne and produced by Melissa Cobb and star Jack Black as
Kung Fu Panda follows the adventures of a portly panda named

An out of shape
When the opportunity arises to meet his heroes the Furious Five, he attempts to skip his familial duties and attends the naming of the Dragon Warrior. There
However, when word reaches the Five that Tai Lung, who was once a good guy but turned to the dark side, has escaped from prison,
The film is excellently animated throughout, particularly during the opening fantasy sequence
There are also some stunning action set pieces, most notably Tai Lung's breathtaking escape from jail and
Wildly choreographed fight scenes, aerial kicks and punches and flips and spins and blocks, all of it sprung free from gravity.It was a brilliant Cartoon with stunning artwork and very cool kung-fu.
And the voice work is also superb: Hoffman and Black make a terrific comic team, sparking off each other nicely and delivering some hilarious gags. Meanwhile, Jolie and Rogen add colour as Tigress and Mantis, whilst McShane is perfectly cast as the evil Tai Lung.
The Furious Five:
From left to right: Masters Viper, Monkey, Mantis (on Monkey's head), Master Shifu, Tigress, and Crane.
Shifu (voice of DUSTIN HOFFMAN). Tigress (voice of ANGELINA JOLIE), Monkey (voice of JACKIE CHAN), Mantis (voice of SETH ROGEN), Viper (voice of LUCY LIU) and Crane (voice of DAVID CROSS),
No martial-arts movie is complete without a fair dose of philosophizing.
From Oogway we learn that "There are no accidents" and "One often meets his destiny on the road to avoid it" and "Today is a gift, that is why it is called the present".
"Kung Fu Panda" is a good-looking fun ride, yet it's missing something.
Cable network Nickelodeon has announced,TheKung Fu Panda,is to be turned into a cartoon TV series.
"Kung Fu Panda" relies on the delightful appearance of its characters, the sounds of its voice cast, and the brilliance of its CGI animation, to help it succeed
On the whole The film attempts some harmless jokes from time to time,
Enjoyable, brightly coloured and well animated, funny, exciting entertaining adventure that will appeal to both kids and adults
It’s a great flick for the whole family.
Kung Fu Panda 2 has official begun production and is slated for release on June 3rd, 2011.
I think it would be great if they come up with “Kung Fu Penguin" as well.
Howz that?
Keypad Of Emoticons
Posted by Shruti in Emotional Communication on Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Italian manufacturer Bajca offers new emoticon exchange tool produced by Progind, designed by Adriano design studio with software and hardware developed by Ribes Informatica. Bajca is a “smile” keypad that allows to express yourself through emoticons. or as it's formally known, "Bajca: The Emotional Communication."
This is basically a keyboard that plugs into your USB slot and can be used to type emoticons. Bajca is a future concept made by Adriano to gives us more lively expression when chatting with our best pals through the web. I mean why waste time typing out carats, colons, dashes, and parentheses when one button from the emo keyboard can do it all for you?
All the little balls there can serve as buttons for automatically inserting our favorite little yellow, white ,black headed friends into our instant messages
it’s a mini keyboard usb that have 16 emoticon and communicate with software as msn, facebook, skype, it a shortcut for emoticon, it is programmable with any emoticon you have, you can change any button with another one.
The weirdest thing about the Bajca is that the balls on the keyboard are completely removable. They even have tiny holes in them like pearls so the user can make them into a necklace; put them on a bracelet, or some other kind of jewelry. Ha Ha
From the pics, it looks like you'll be able to wear the little guys around your neck, wrist, or finger.
Looking at them I see a language emerging. Imagine emails consisting solely of emoticons some thing like this.. yeah its funny ! :-) L ;-* ;-*^ :) :P (looks some thing like encrypted military message)
Emily Is Not Real !
Posted by Shruti in 'Emily' Is Not Real

What you see above is a wholly computer generated animation.
She is considered to be one of the first animations to have overleapt a long-standing barrier known as ‘uncanny valley’ - which refers to the perception that animation looks less realistic as it approaches human likeness.

First, Image Metrics scanned actor Emily O’Brien to develop a custom template for her computer generated model. Then, eight animation artists built a custom rigging for her character in software. They captured O’Brien’s performance with video, motion tracked her facial movements, and then applied those tracked movements to the computer model. Because this process is more efficient than traditional methods
Previous methods for animating faces have involved putting dots on a face and observing the way the dots move, but Image Metrics analyses facial movements at the level of individual pixels in a video, meaning that the subtlest variations - such as the way the skin creases around the eyes, can be tracked.

AMD has released a new chip with a billion transistors that will be able to show off creations such as Emily by allowing a much greater number of computations per second.
Image Metrics, a company that makes computer-generated imagery for Hollywood films and computer games has created new levels of believability in facial animation by making ‘Emily’ the most realistic computer generated character so far.
Minute Of Happiness
Posted by Shruti in Happiness on Friday, May 15, 2009
Am I truly happy? Do I even know what it means to be happy and what it takes to achieve happiness? These are important questions for anyone who is seeking happiness to ask themselves.
Happiness is the measure of true wealth
Happiness you give makes you happier than the happiness you receive.
The truth of the matter is that happiness, like anything else in life, needs to be nurtured.
Need to make a plan for attaining goals that you believe will make you happy
Ned to spend a few minutes each day thinking about the things that make you happy
Need to surround yourself with happy people.
Need to realize what really makes us happy, and challenge us to think whether it might be possible to live happier lives.
It’s also important to take some time each day to do something nice for yourself.
Finding the humor in situations can also lead to happiness
Maintaining your health is another way to achieve happiness
Last but not the least it is important to understand and believe that you deserve happiness.
Happiness is hard to define but most people are aware of whether they are happy or not.
Secret Of The Famous Zoo Zoos
Posted by Shruti in The ZooZoos on Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Zoo Zoos are characters featured in the Vodafone ads showing the various services provided by Vodafone.
O&M created a new set of characters and called them 'ZooZoos'.Vodafone is zooming ahead with the Zoozoos.They created a warm and lovable way to tell the product stories & services. The world of Zoo Zoo is making the messages more charming. .The characters are such that they lead simple lives, speak insane and move in a certain way with human emotions.
On a first look most of us would have thought these Zoo Zoos in Vodafone Ads are the animated cartoon characters with an alien look. But the interesting part is that the Zoo zoos are not animated characters but are actually slim women actors from local Mumbai theatres, dressed in white costumes that are stuffed with foam to portray the characters.The design of the characters is such that one gets fooled into thinking it is animation. Their heads resemble eggs with disproportionate thin white bodies and black dots for eyes and mouth.
Zoo zoo is the Best thing ever happened to Vodafone. A very delightful and entertaining concept not only for kids but also for adults with a Excellent imagination and mind blowing execution.. The background music, body language and the message conveyed was just awesome.One thing to be proud of is that it’s completely an Indian concept. Zoo Zoos fame is spreading like Swine. It’s also working as a good entertainment in the present IPL matches.
Zoo zoos are the amazing characters created by the Vodafone! It’s been a hot favorite among everyone now. I wish the creators come up with a small movie on these characters. I m sure it will be equally popular among kids n adults like Tom N Jerry and other popular cartoons..
Zoo Zoo videos make me laugh like crazy. I wish I could be a Zoo Zoo once in life ;)
Zoo zoos are zooing zimply zooperb .
Posted by Shruti in THE SECRET on Tuesday, February 3, 2009
You Hold In Your Hands A Great Secret
Secret- The Law of Attract is a book written by Rhonda Byrne .