Acceptance Of Uniqueness In Others

It is always difficult for people to accept others who are different. By different I mean
difference in Religion, Color, Intelligence, Politics, Sexual preferences.
Or differences may be small like differences in food habits, taste in music, colors, dressing sense, opinions.

But I think we can never grow if we are so bound to the only one who same like us.
Yes off course it is a really great to be with the one who mirrored us. We will definitely enjoy the similarities, the coincidences happening among us.

What if all food tasted the same, all drinks coated our tongue with the same flavor, all
perfumes released the same aroma, and all houses were just same as each other? How
boring life would be! There would be less inspiration and less creative expressions.

We all know that there is no body else like us in this world. No body can know us better
than we know ourselves- yet some people hardy know themselves!
We always advocate for ourselves with self-love and understanding, recognize what we
offer, accept ourselves and appreciate our talents. But why don we respect the same in others?
We do commit mistakes and forgive ourselves N times. But why don’t we forgive others?
I think we should always accept people the way they are and don’t expect them to behave the way we like.

Initially, we appreciate their uniqueness. But over time, however we begin to notice little things about the new person, and we feel we could improve them and we try to change them. Instead it’s always better to get these things into their attention. And some times instead of trying to fix them; the more peaceful way is to love them for their differences.
This gives life variety and off course diversity.

I think we should always keep our mind open to learn and to accept what is new and different. We should realize what we lack and I’m sure others who differ from us can teach us.
Truly, we should love ourselves more and do all that builds our self-esteem. Then we will automatically tend to pass that love and esteems on others.

By Accepting the Uniqueness in Others we will also appreciate what is unique in us.
We should celebrate the differences we all have and Live each day with peace and acceptance.