Fear Is The Mind Killer

The one emotion that we all are struggling to live with is Fear.
Fear invites us in different ways. Fear is the major reason for all our negative feelings, thoughts, actions so on.

We turn on the TV and sometimes watch some crime stories and some terror news. What do we experience in us is nothing but Fear. Terrorism is just based on promoting fear all over. More than the awareness of terrorism what prevails everywhere is Fear.

Fear is the emotion that stops us from doing many things. We can’t even put our effort to try whether it is possible to meet our goals and objectives. It’s the force that pulls us back from anything and everything.

One more face of fear makes us feel that we are all alone in the world .We all have the Fear of Loosing things. We never want to loose or harm the things we love the most. This fear I guess each one of us possess. Some times we do wrong things out of fear of loosing something that is very close to our heart. This fear has several impacts on us.

One main emotion that is rooted in Fear is ANGER. There are many other emotions like jealousy, hatred, envy, arrogance which are also rooted in Fear.

In today’s world most of us are so self absorbed that we don’t bother nor care for the people around. We are always focused on making our life better by increasing the digits in our salary, shifting on to new houses, buying the best car, solving problems with family with friends and many more. May be that’s the reason we feel justified to be stuck in our misery and shower it on other people in the form of anger.

When I am in some great pain and misery, most of the time I am rude to some people.
I am not proud of it but I am in so much pain. Here rudeness may be something like a cry for help. But there is no use out of it, coz in turn it gives us more pain and more misery.
The sad part is, the ruder I was the more pain I received.

I think this rudeness is just the change that happens in our minds due to fear and we are not aware of what exactly we are doing. What we should do or what we should have done.

All emotions are so interconnected fear, anger, rudeness, arrogance. They make us handicapped.Fear is at the root of it all.
Is our fear justified, or not?

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    # by Frudo - July 17, 2009 at 4:25 AM

    To justify or not to justify fear, is a wrong step, i think.
    "Fear is nothing but absence of love. Do something with love, forget about fear. If you love well, fear disappears. If you love deeply, fear is not found. Whenever you have been in love with someone, ever for a single moment, was there any fear? It has never been found in any relationship - if even for a single moment two persons are in deep love and a meeting happens, they are tuned to each other, in that moment fear has never been found. Just as if the light is on and darkness has not been found There is the secret key: Love more. If you feel there is fear in your being - love more. Be courageous in love, take courage. Be adventurous in love, love more, and love unconditionally, because the more you love the less will be the fear. And when I say love I mean all the four layers of love..Love deeply." ....

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    # by Shruti - July 17, 2009 at 4:55 AM

    Hi Frudo, Thanks for your words, very interesting scents of love. I completely agree that when we are in love or when we fall in love there is no fear. I think fear pops up when we feel that something is harming the one you love and you may also loose that person. This fear do cause a lot of changes in any living being I believe.